Monday, December 21, 2009

Why I participated in 2009 NaNoWrimo

(National Novel Writing Month

*As a fluke
*Just for fun
*To have the experience
*To see if I could do it
*To see if I would do it
*To participate with local friends
*I wanted the growth as a writer

What are some of the benefits I have gained from it:

*Persistence- about the third day I came home from work, tired, thinking “Do I really have to do this?!? I just want to eat a bite and go to bed!
*Perseverance- esp. after losing my first 25,166 words half way into November
*Deeper friendships- people caring about me and trying to help me recover my 25,166words
*Deeper understanding of God- His ways, grace, mercy, love and the meaning of the sacrificial blood shed for all of us
*Joy from sticking with it and seeing the word count reach the 50,000 word goal
*Committment- showing myself, family and friends that I can commit to something and stay with it to completion.
*Respect- from Pens and Pages Writers Guild members
Being able to say this: I did it! I am a novelist.

Anyone care to join me for FAWM? :-)
February Album Writing Month. Goal: Write 14 original songs in a month.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Gorgeous Eyes

Today was the first day of Summer Reading Club at the library. One young, beautiful spanish girl with the most gorgeous, crystal blue eyes wanted to know what her overdue fines were. They were more than she could pay so we talked about what she could do to keep from having overdue fines again. She looked at her sister and wanted her to come up with some ideas but I kept pressing her to think for herself. She offered that her mother could tell her when they were due. I said, "Your mother!" She is good to help you but what can you do for yourself to help? She is the younger of the two sisters and I believe her beautiful eyes will be used to her advantage. Will she just bat her eyes everytime she gets into any kind of trouble? Will she always assume everyone thinks she is beautiful and try to get away with things? Will she not even push herself to learn and grow because her eyes will make some things easier for her? I want to help her embrace her wonderful gifts of beauty and intelligence and use them for good in her life and in this world. I may never know what the ripple effects of my pressing her will be but I hope they will help her be a confident young woman who is successful in her life in a positive way.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lord Willing

Close your eyes.

Imagine a person described using these words:
rugged man, rough skin, long beard, long gray hair in a ponytail, unwashed, old jeans, drives an old beaten up, rusted out pickup with a NOMAD license plate, and a topper that doesn't match.

Tell me what kind of person comes to mind. Would you talk to him, strike up a conversation with him?

Close your eyes again.

Now imagine a person described using these words:
kind, unassuming, humble, very thankful, very appreciative, soft spoken, faithful, peaceful, sincere, hard working, simple.

Now what kind of person comes to mind?

Could these images be of the same man? In your mind, could they?

My husband and I met a man that fits both descriptions. He is an exceptional "cement man" that knows his craft well. He lives in the hills of Kentucky and walks by faith like no other we have ever met. This unassuming man touched us as he worked along Kent's side and others in the Colorado mountains helping add a Family Life Center to a very special "church on the hill."

One day several weeks ago he counted all the money he had. $600 was the total and it was in his right hand. His phone rang with a man asking if he wanted to be a part of the team to build this center. The man said the only catch is that you have to have money for the plane ticket immediately. The cost? $600. The cement man looked at his right hand and decided it must the Lord's will so he said yes.

He touched our souls by his walk with God and we will always remember him and he will always remember us. He has many stories to tell and I hope to hear them all some day when our paths cross again. Lord willing.